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Plenary Sessions
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Perspectives on the Future of Suicide Research
System Level Suicide Prevention
Biology of Genetics and the Exposome in Suicidal Behavior
Prediction of Acute Suicide Risk
Gone Too Soon: Preventing Premature Mortality from Mental Illness and Mental Distress | Rory O’Connor Scotland |
Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Adolescents: Developing Novel Methods to Improve Detection, Prevention, and Treatment | Randy Auerbach USA |
Invited Symposia Sessions
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Neural Circuitry, Mood Regulation and Decision-Making
Brain Neurotransmitter Imaging and Suicidal Behavior
Biology, Genetics and Epigenetics
Insights into the Genetic Etiology of Suicidality from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Suicide Working Group | Niamh Mullins USA Biography |
Aggression and Suicide: New Data on Genetics from Spain | Enrique Baca-Garcia Spain Biography |
Inflammation and Suicidal Behaviour | Fatemah Haghighi USA |
Identifying Genes Underlying Suicidal Behavior |
Marcus Sokolowski Sweden |
Big Data, Registry and EHR in Suicide Research
Machine Learning and Suicidal Behaviors |
Hanga Galfalvy |
Permanens – Development of a Clinical Decision Support System Software to Enable the Personalized Evaluation and Management of Self-Harm at the Emergency Department |
Philippe Mortier |
Follow-Up of patients with DSH in California Health Care Registries | Sidra Goldman-Mellor USA |
Suicide and Self-Harm in High-Risk populations: Evidence from Longitudinal Medical Records in Hong Kong |
Hao Luo Hong Kong |
Population and Systems Based Approaches to Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Across the Lifespan
Suicide, Illness, Pain and Bereavement
Media, Social Media, and Suicide
Media and Suicide: Building the Evidence Base | Thomas Niederkrotenthaler Austria Biography |
Cyberbullying and Suicidal Behavior Among Adolescents | Paul Yip Hong Kong |
National Suicide Helplines: Opportunities and Obstacles | Annette Erlangsen Denmark |
Chat Hotline and Digital Websites for People at Suicidal Crisis | Gil Zalsman Israel |